Have you ever made a perfect shot? If you have, you have the perfect golf swing inside of you...
And you just need to allow it to come out...
And now you think I'm crazy! But it's true, because I've found exactly where our mind hides our perfect golf swing...
Oh, It's there all right! You DID say you've hit a perfect shot before right?
Here's what we know. Any Golf Psychologist worth their salt will tell you that if you can get your conscious mind out of the way, you'll play so much better... And it's TRUE.
But have you ever wondered how all the golf psychology, NLP, or hypnotism can't stop a bad shot?
Do you want to know why?
Because; Although the conscious mind can ask for a certain swing to make a certain golf shot, and plan the swing for that golf shot, it doesn't execute or control the golf swing...
The subconscious mind does that!
But while the subconscious mind is directing your golf swing, it's also taking care of a multitude of other processes within your body, such as breathing, heart beat, etc., which ALL have a higher priority over the golf swing.
So if the golf swing isn't quite right, but you are still alive and unhurt, the subconscious is just fine with that.
The conscious... He's mad, but he's not going to get the subconscious to give up maintaining the body functions to make a golf swing... Or you should hope not, because you'd die right there!
So, yes, you have to keep the conscious from interrupting the process of the swing in the subconscious mind, but that doesn't stop the occasional gaff that can cost you 2 strokes or more...
So what's the answer? Priority!
I know I said that the subconscious wasn't going to move the golf swing up on the priority list, so what in hell am I thinking... Right?
Why not tie the golf swing to something higher on the priority list? If you can do that, the subconscious HAS to pay more attention to it! But what?
Have you ever tripped over something? What happens next? You IMMEDIATELY start taking protective measures and flailing about to keep yourself from falling down and HURTING (a high priority) yourself.
It happened because you lost your BALANCE, which just so happens to be much higher on the priority list than the golf swing.
Are you following me here? If you tie your golf swing to the balance mechanism in the subconscious mind, you will immediately improve your shotmaking.
I know because I've been teaching this one concept for years. I've taken "unteachable" golfers and had them playing better in as little as 15 minutes!
- I don't work on their golf swing...
- I don't teach them how to think...
- I don't teach them what to think...
Once they understand how it work, they just practice using the balance to self correct every shot.
Sounds logical... doesn't it? Well I've proven the concept and then took it to an even higher level for professional golfers. The results at this level are usually flat out unbelievable.
I'm the only person on the planet how can show you this. Because I'm the only hard-headed fool who would spend 20 years+ to find it.
For more information check out these websites:
Golf Swing Control
It's golf's long lost secret to consistency and mastery.
Hit'm well