Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Golf Swing is in the Mind

I just returned from a practice session with a student who plays the mini-tours. Like many golf professionals, his problem is keeping his mind out of the golf swing on the course. I was showing him ways to use his mind differently, but in conjunction with where it should be during the shot. We talked about mental pictures and getting in contact with the feedback the body generates.

After 40 minutes of experimenting with different ways to use the mind to benefit the process, he had an interesting comment. He noticed that in that 40 minutes he didn't hit one shot bad... not one. We never talked about the golf swing, but his was working flawlessly. What I didn't realize was that he expected to hit some bad shots. I know that since his conscious never came into play during that 40 minutes, there was no way to hit a bad shot, and now he knows it too.

Was it golf psychology? No way! That only comes into play between shots. No, I would have to say it was a matter of great focus. Not focus on thoughts but rather pictures created using the body's own feedback system. That feedback and those pictures did two things. They kept his mind from hurting his shots, and the kept his swing working flawlessly. What more can you ask for?

But have you ever heard of a golf teacher who doesn't teach the swing, and doesn't teach psychology?

So the question in your head should be; "Why is golf swing instruction and golf psychology such a big business if better result can be generated without them?"

Oh, it's just how the golf instruction marketing arm of the industry has worked to make you believe that that is what you need...

Feel used yet?

I want you to ponder this for a while. How can you learn the golf swing without golf swing instruction and keep your mind straight on the course without golf psychology?

It was Hogan's real golf secret. Click here for more on the golf swing mystery

For free golf swing information click: free golf swing lessons.

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