Monday, March 12, 2007

AJ Golf - Does his Golf Instruction really tell the Truth About the Golf Swing?

Well, Yes and no...

Just like most every golf instructor or golf "guru" on the planet, his method for creating "new" golf instruction is the same... Watch a bunch of video of professionals golf swings, observe what happens, and go forth to teach the "New Truth."

When I say yes, I mean that what he says happens at impact during the golf swing does happen. What he doesn't explain is why it happens or how it happens, and that is where I believe he misleads golfers.

That's where the science of biomechanics comes in. Not a theory, but the SCIENCE of movement. In science, theories have to be proven before they are accepted. In golf, it's more important to know the cause, or how something happens, than it is to know just what happens.

It's as bad as this "Global Warming" horse doo-doo you see on the news. Open your eyes! If the polar ice caps on MARS are melting at the same rate ours are, then it CAN'T be a man-made issue. Folks, wake up! It's the sun!

The same goes for golf...

The fact that the wrists turn over at the last second before impact is a major factor in distance. Trying to make it happen by knowing only that fact will lead to a long history of inconsistency. Teaching golfers this fact without giving the supporting information isn't golf instruction. It's the same form of mis-information politicians use to get votes... It's marketing!

I'm sorry, all of the marketing in the world won't help you hit a better golf ball unless that marketing supports a product that helps golfers understand the whole picture. For those of you who have used AJ's "truth" successfully, I can guarantee there are other things you are doing right, that if they fall off the track, AJ's truth won't help. If you don't understand the rest of the swing that makes this interesting little tip work, sooner or later, it'll catch up with you.

So what is the truth behind the truth? First, there are a number of factors that create distance: efficient use of the body to drive the arms, connection, coiling to store power, balance, weight shift, and the one that is most responsible for how the professionals turn their wrist over at impact... Club lag!

Lose one of these, and your swing is going south.

Click here for simple biomechanics of golf swing instruction that gets results.

Click here for free golf swing instruction.

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