Thursday, March 1, 2007

Can Learning the Golf Swing Help You in Business?

I gave a talk to a group of business people a few days ago that opened their eyes to ways just learning the golf swing can help them understand business better. I thought I'd share the ideas with you.

There are 4 stages to learning the golf swing.

  1. Learn how the golf swing is supposed to work.
  2. Learn the details that make it work better.
  3. Learn how to make it work to fit your personality and body structure.
  4. Learn how to do it without thinking about it so you can concentrate on strategy and low scores.

So how does it work when you start a business or start working at a new job?

  1. Learn the purpose of the business and how it achieves that purpose.
  2. Learn the details that give your business an edge over the competition.
  3. learn how to improve that edge and make your customers feel a sense of loyalty or comfort with your business.
  4. Automate as much of the process so you can concentrate on serving customers and growing the business (the business plan)

The parallels are amazing aren't they? But it goes beyond noticing parallels. Many people in business don't realize that there are steps to growing a business, just as many instructors don't realize that there are steps to mastering golf.

Imagine how much faster you would excel at your job or business if you had a plan based on results and goals? How much faster would you succeed with golf if you started with a plan?

But golf has one more very useful process that can help you rise to the top in business. On the golf course, every shot has a new set of circumstances that has to be considered in order to make the shot, just as every business and every business decision does. But in business, if you miss a variable or make a bad decision, you can lose money, a business, or a lifestyle. In golf, the most you'll lose is a ball.

In business you don't really get to "practice" making decisions, but in golf, you have to do it for every shot; 72 - 100 times per round. This is where many golfers really miss the point with golf.

Every shot should be looked at as a challenge to build problem-solving skills which will transfer to our daily lives and help us to make better personal and business decisions.

The next time you are on the golf course and you make a bad decision, don't get mad... That doesn't help anyone. Instead, take a minute to examine your decision-making process and decide to improve it. Find out where you are weak with the process and improve yourself. The habit will carry over to the rest of your life and you'll notice that things will go your way more often.

Click here to learn more about Golf Swing Control

For free golf lessons click Free golf swing instruction

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