Sunday, March 4, 2007

One Plane Golf Swing vs. Two Plane Golf Swing

One plane golf swing or two plane golf swing: Do you wonder which one is right for you? How about neither?

There is one plane that's right for your golf swing, but it's not going to be one of two choices based on a "guru" who looked at video of a bunch of professional swings and then cooked up a theory!

That's what's wrong with golf swing instruction today... So called golf swing "gurus" who watch videos of golf swings all day, notice something that seems to be in common with all of them, and then create a new "system" or theory based on what they saw. That's not the real crime.

The real crime is when they write a book or make an instructional video on their new theory and have millions of golfers trying to figure how it's supposed to work!

If you notice, most of the instruction talks about what happens...NOT why or how!

Who is left holding the bag? The golfers who spend their time trusting these "gurus", buying their courses, and watching their tips on the Golf Channel.

Now to their credit, these "gurus" are noticing things that are happening during the golf swing. Their mistake is not doing the proper research to find out why it's happening to teach golfers how to do it. But, if they did that, they would trace the golf swing back to just a few indisputable principles and the golf instruction industry would slowly fade back to the size it should be... Putting thousands of people who support the industry out of work.

My intention is not to put people out of work, but rather, just to keep things honest. But I digress...

What about this one plane swing thing? Here's the truth (A.J. didn't lie, he just left out a lot of really important information.)

Your swing plane will depend on two things. Your balance and your body structure. It will be a little bit different than any other golfer's swing plane. That's it... Were you looking for something complicated? Sorry, it isn't. Now do you see what I'm upset about?

But I'm not done pouring salt on the wounds yet. You know the Planar Swing Trainer? It has the same flaw as many others. Any trainer that restricts muscle movement, causes the muscles to work against the trainer. What happens when the trainer isn't there? The muscles are free to make the movement they were denied when the apparatus was in place. So, the movement you were trying to correct can be worse as a result.

Now that doesn't address what happens on the golf course when you don't have a swing control. How do you repeat the control? That's another story altogether.

There is an easier and faster way to find your best personal golf swing. It took me twenty years to develop because the information is just not available anywhere. If you think there is a huge conspiracy designed to get you to spend more on golf... You may not be as crazy as you think.

Click here for simple golf swing instruction that gets results.

Click here for free golf swing instruction.

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